Ready to Catalyze & Build a Project
Aligned with Life?
The vision of what you could create in the world, in service of all life, has slowly been building for you— over weeks, months, even years or decades.
And now it’s time to make your vision tangible.
Your ideas seem so clear to you in so many ways. But sharing your vision with others in a way that captures their imagination and secures their support: financial, participatory, mindshare, all seems a bit daunting. Where to start?
Here is where I can help you move forward. I have years of experience in creating deeply insightful research to support visions of a better world: whether it be working with stakeholders (e.g. customers) to understand what they truly feel, think, and do; or summarizing and connecting the dots for you on the latest academic, government, and NGO research across a variety of disciplines (e.g. biology, economics, health, education, sociology, psychology, marketing).
My custom research consulting reports can help you:
illuminate the details of your vision that were less clear to you,
provide external confirmation and facts to share with others (for the ideas that you already knew in your bones were true), and
gain new insight you hadn’t considered to help ensure your idea has the best possible likelihood of success.
Email me at hello@morethansustainability.com or schedule a free, quick consultation call to see if my support would be a good match for making your vision a reality.
Here are some of the reports I've created for past clients, which are now open-sourced and free for all to use:
Academic literature reviews on the unavoidable environmental and social impacts of mining and production, for a set of element of the periodic table, and the ways in which we can and can’t “engineer” our way to greater sustainability
Ethnographic-style research to provide detailed understanding of why consumers hold on to their electronics after they stop using them (instead of donating or recycling them, for example) – essentially, letting devices “hibernate” in their homes.

Make Your Vision Reality.